When someone finds, see an ad, or read about a great skin care product they tend to buy it with expectations, as soon as, they use it, their skin problem(s) will disappear over night and look like the model that advertised it. Unfortunately, I will have to disappoint you and tell you it dose not work that way. As we get older we realize everything is a process with results. Each result can have good or bad consequences but, non-the-less it's a process. So is achieving flawless skin.
I am going to start with men because they tend to neglect their skin care the most (this statement is only our opinion). We are going to list five important steps in achieving flawless skin, not only on your face but entire body! Before we do that we want you to list five of your problems areas whether its on your face, arms body or legs. Onyx Skin Care Line along with these five important steps will be able to assist you in achieving this goal. Are you ready?
Here are your five tips for achieving the healthiest skin please, keep in mind pre-existing heathy problems are major factors too. None-the-less achieving the best you can have is possible!
- 1. Protect your skin from the Sun. The sun emits two types of rays... infrared rays you can feel and see; it also expels UV radiation that you can't see or feel but it can damage the skin permanently. Onyx Skin Care Lines is formulated with natural ingredients that is knows to protect your skin against both.
- 2. Drink a lot of water. For the average adult you should drink approximately eight (8) glasses of water per day. This helps your body cleanse toxins from it including your skin.
- 3. Get enough sleep. Most adults should get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Without the proper sleep balance your body can not restore its homeostasis.
- 4. Develop a facial message routine. You can create one when washing and applying moisturizer it relaxes the muscles in your face.
- 5. Use 100% Organic Skin Care. You heard that old saying, "you are what you eat from your head down to your feet." Well, it also apply to what you put on your skin which is absorbed into your blood stream via your pores. So if you are using chemical induced skin care you are still feeding your body harmful chemicals.
So when choosing a skin care brand is as vital as choosing nutritious foods because you are what you eat from your head down to your feet...including your skin!
The next time you are in a store and you reach for a facial cleanser, moisturizer or lotion turn over the bottle and read the ingredients. You will find that 95% of all skin care brand, especially the well known ones you see on television and in magazines, many have harmful chemicals and synthetic ingredients.
What makes ONYX SKIN CARE LINE so valuable and worth it? We believe that the difference on what you put on your skin and the effects has to do with the quality of the ingredients used. Nature has given us an abundance of options; it really is not necessary to change much. We are incredibly lucky to be able to create our own organic brand that is available here at ONYXSKINCARELINE.COM So there really is no excuse for using poor quality or synthetic substitutes. Our brand’s niche is to promote the healthy welfare of women and men skin care while maintaining the holistic youthful appearance in an organic way. There are "NO" synthetic ingredients, parabens, sulfates, phthalates, formaldehyde, chemicals, animal testing, formulated for sensitive skin, created in the USA It is created for all women and men.
Finally, when you search for that skin care product make sure first that it is all organic. You will not achieve your ultimate goal of flawless skin with flawed skin care products. Use it as directed, you will not look like the model that may have attracted you to the product originally, but it's possible for you to achieve beautiful healthy skin and when you look in the mirror it will thank you every time!
Sarh G. —
Great blog. Informative and inspiring.
Olivia —
Very informative information. I will take the 5 steps to heart. This year I’m really getting into my all natural routine. I used Onyx Skin Care Line before and I am very pleased. I would recommend this skin care line to all who is looking for an all natural skin care routine.